Parts generates a Parts List by summarizing all visible components in the active scene.
Layout of the Page
This page includes the filename, the scene name and the units used in the model. A summary section lists all parts, grouped by material and thickness, with quantities and rough dimensions (depending on the type of material). The summary is followed by sections specific to the different groups.
To shorten a long Parts List, you can hide the summary and all groups, up to the title bar.
The content of the Parts List is dynamically generated. Anytime you select a part in the scene or if you switch to another scene, the list will receive a notification that something has changed and will ask you to regenerate.
Hidden components are not included. The Parts List either reflects what you have selected in the current scene, or all visible components if there is no selection.
Parts List gives more details about the content.
Generate recomputes the Parts List after a change in the model, after the selection of active parts, or if the current scene has changed. To avoid OpenCutList always asking to regenerate the Parts List, you can click on Ignore or simply minimize the window. However, because of the dynamic nature of the list, it is important for you to know if the list does correspond to the model and your selection. The menus also include:
Print, to print the current Parts List.
Export, to save the Parts List to a CSV file.
Draw, to generates a configurable exploded view of your model or a selection of parts.
Estimate, to estimate cost and weight of the Parts List.
Options, to define how OpenCutList should build and display the Parts List.
"...", to access for general functions.
Last updated
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