The toolbar is the entry point to OpenCutList.
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The toolbar is the entry point to OpenCutList.
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The toolbar features four icons. Clicking on these icons will open:
the Main window, which can be minimized or maximized.
the Smart Paint Tool, an on-screen tool to apply or remove material to components.
the Smart Axes Tool, an on-screen tool to relocate the local axes of components without having to open the definition.
the Smart Export Tool, an on-screen tool to export 2D projection or 3D geometry of a single part.
OpenCutList submenus are also available from Extensions -> OpenCutList so that you can add key shortcuts.
The minimized window of OpenCutList displays four buttons:
Maximize/Minimize: to show/hide the result window. To minimize the window and get it of your way, simply hit the <ESC> button.
Materials: to configure materials. This is an interface which links to the native SketchUp material. If you have already configured some material in SketchUp, it will show up here. If you add material here, it will also show up in the Materials Inspector of SketchUp.
Parts: to compute the Parts List of a selection of components or of all visible components in the current scene.
Import: to import parts defined as rectangular boxes from a CSV file.
When maximized, the toolbar has two additional buttons.
Doc.: a direct link to open this documentation in your browser.
More: displays a ribbon with more links (some may depend on your language):
Tutorials: displays a list of YouTube tutorials made by users.
Plans: opens your browser to the model section of L'Air du Bois where users publish their creations.
News: inline access to the latest and archived news we publish on OpenCollective.
Forum: read-only access to the OpenCollective discussion forum. If you plan to participate in discussions, you must create a free OpenCollective account.
Update: starting with version 1.9 a self-updater was introduced, which updates directly from the github repository. This version is identical to the version hosted on the Extension Warehouse, it is signed by Trimble. After an upgrade, you must restart SketchUp for the new version of OpenCutList to be re-loaded.
Sponsor: we very much appreciate your financial support on OpenCollective. Even small contributions help us to take the time to make OpenCutList a better tool for your workshop.
The lower right border of the OpenCutList window displays more actions:
A link to a french-speaking woodworker community, completely ad-free!
Report a bug: this will open your mailer to send a bug report to the developers.
Preferences: to change unit, weight or language preferences.
Sponsor: opens a page with the current status of contributions and the next goal.
About: gives information about the developers, the translator team and the software we used to develop OpenCutList.
The Smart Paint Tool lets you select a tool to sample, paint or clear a component with material from a list of material.
The Smart Axes Tool allows you to reposition the local axes of your components. Because OpenCutList interprets the dimensions of a part from its orientation with regard to the local axes, it is important to position them correctly. You could use SketchUp tools to perform this task, but you would then have to open the component to get to its definition.
The Smart Axes Tool displays the dimensions of the part and an arrow on the front and back face of the selected part to help you decide if the interpretation is correct.
Changing the local axes of a component does not "change" the component or its definition.
Do not expect the part to be mirrored or rotated!