Estimate helps you estimate the cost a project by calculating a rough summary of the costs and weights of the components. The information needed by Estimate is configured in the material itself.
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Estimate helps you estimate the cost a project by calculating a rough summary of the costs and weights of the components. The information needed by Estimate is configured in the material itself.
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For each material used in your project, price and weight information can be specified.
OpenCutList will produce a report even if some information is missing.
In addition, the following OpenCutList General Preferences are important:
the currency symbol to be used. All prices will be displayed using this symbol. You are free in your choice of symbol (€, CHF, USD, $, ...).
the weight unit used to compute weight from the material density.
The material density or specific mass is the mass divided by the volume.
In the properties of each material, there is a tab Attributes. The density can be entered in [kg/m³] if your model units are metric, or [lb/ft³] if your model units are imperial. Entering the density in [kg/ft³] or [lb/m³] is also possible.
Wood density typically ranges between 300 and 1200 kg/m³, or 18.7 to 74.2 lb/ft³.
The density of wood varies according to moisture content and is very variable, even within the same species, due to various factors. The material density used by OpenCutList may be approximate.
A standard price or size dependent price can be specified.
OpenCutList gives you several choices of entering price and weight.
Hardware is somewhat special. You cannot configure a price on the Material Tab.