
Installing the OpenCutList extension for SketchUp and defining your preferences.

Installing from the Extension Warehouse

The easiest way to install the signed extension is by downloading it from the OpenCutList by L'Air du Bois extension page at Trimble's Extension Warehouse. The signed file of the latest version is also available on github ladb_opencutlist.rbz.

OpenCutList works with all versions of SketchUp greater than 2017 (the last free version).

Some advanced features may not be available in older versions, before 2021.

Extensions are not available for the online and iPad versions of SketchUp.

After the installation, OpenCutList is accessible via the menu Extensions -> OpenCutList or as an icon on the toolbar. If it does not show up, right-click on an empty area of the icon bar and select it from the list.

Last updated